Let each harvester “safe” to ensure the summer harv…

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] Now is in the busy season of summer harvest, we must do a good job in the supervision and management of agricultural machinery safety production, especially during the summer harvest period, we must effectively prevent and contain the occurrence of agricu ...MORE...

AerNos Launches Nano Gas Sensor to Detect Harmful Gases

China Instrument Network Instrument Development Recently, according to the consulting report of Memes, nano-gas sensor innovation company AerNos announced that they have developed a miniature, high-precision, economical nano-gas sensor capable of detecting multiple ppb grades simultaneously (10 On ...MORE...

Mulinsen opens up overseas market and refers to the top…

Sun Qinghuan said that because LED lighting market is still less than 10%, LED lighting still has a stable high growth space in the next 5 to 10 years. In the past few years, the filament lamp has become the LED lighting product with the largest growth rate in recent years because of the ban on tung ...MORE...